Top 8 Cybersecurity Trends 2020

Last updated on April 14th, 2021 at 03:19 pm

Cyberthreats are on the rise and website security is now more critical than ever. An awareness of the most pressing threats to your website security is essential to protect yourself from cyber-attacks and take preventative measures. These are the top 8 cybersecurity threats.

  • Denial-of-service attacks (DoS) and Distributed Denial-of-Service attacks (DDoS): DoS or DDoS attacks target the system’s resources. Unlike most other kinds of cyberattacks, DoS or DDoS attackers do not receive direct benefit from this form of hacking, other than making the server unresponsive to requests. 
  • SQL injection attacks: SQL injection attacks occur when malicious SQL statements are injected into the database, allowing the hacker to reveal company information and steal data from the database. 
  •  Cross-site scripting (XXS):  XXS attacks occur after malicious scripts are injected into trusted websites. This differs from SQL injection because the users of the webpage are at risk, instead of the application itself being at risk. 
  • Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) Attack: MitM attacks occur when the hacker inserts themselves between the client and the server. Consequently, the client thinks they are communicating with a trusted source and voluntarily give confidential information. 
  • Phishing and Spear Phishing attacks: This common tactic is performed through emails that appear to be from trusted sources. Through manipulating receivers to click links, the method can collect information or gain access to private material. Spear phishing is targeted and tactical, as spear phishers collect information to send messages that are personalized and relevant. 
  • Drive-By Attacks (drive-by download attacks): In Drive-By Attacks, hackers add malicious scripts into the HTTP code of trusted sites. This results in the downloading malicious scripts on the computers of those who visit the site. 
  • Eavesdropping Attack: In an eavesdropping attack, an attacker can obtain passwords, credit card information, etc. through active and passive eavesdropping or intercepting network traffic. 
  • Malware Attack: A malware attack occurs when unwanted software is downloaded to your computer without your consent. 

Because of the complex, diverse, and ever-changing nature of cyber attacks, investment in Cybersecurity should never be an afterthought for your company. Data breaches and security attacks pose huge tangible costs to both the company and customers; while additionally bearing intangible and unpayable consequences such as tarnishing a companies reputation as a trustworthy company. It is dramatically less expensive to pay the upfront costs of investing in security software than to bear the costs of security breach recoveries. To learn more about how you can update your company’s data security to stay safe from data breaches, read this Forbes article written by Cider CEO, Ilya Lipovich